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Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Praktikum "Programming Reconfigurable Hardware"


Registration for this course in the winter term 2024/25 can be made until 07.10.2024 via e-mail to david.mariadasatu-dortmundde. Your course of study and matriculation number are required for successful registration.

The first meeting will take place on 08.10.24 from 2 pm to 5 pm. After that there will be a course every Tuesday at 14 pm.


This practical course is aimed at students on the Master's degree course in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and provides an overview of FPGA programming using VHDL and Vivado. Basic knowledge of computer architectures and VHDL programming is expected.

The course is carried out during the semester. Attendance at all practice sessions is mandatory.

Course Content

By attending this course, students will learn how to work with current FPGA Architectures and Boards. The
fundamentals in the usage of tools and programming VHDL will be shown.

In multiple practical lessons, VHDL and Xilinx Vivado will be used to implement hardware designs for
different tasks. The students will implement practical exercises on a FPGA Development Board.


Instructor Contact
David Mariadasa david.mariadasatu-dortmundde 
Maximilian Lemke maximilian.lemketu-dortmundde
Jens Aigner jens.aignertu-dortmundde